Weaverville Fire Department Support Services


November 2, 2016 5:30


Call to Order/ Welcome new members:  Meeting called to order at 5:31.

Members present: Terri; Bonnie, Betty, Briana; Herk; Kathy; Kayla; Larry H., Lisa; Serena; Shellie

Visitors: Tracy; Alyssa

Approve minutes October 5, 2016 meeting: Lisa motioned and Serena 2nd the motion to approve minutes as submitted

Officers Report:

A.     President: Passing out candy on Halloween was a success. The ladder truck drew a lot of attention. Joel Cox wore the Sparky costume.  

B.     Treasurer/Secretary’s Report: Nothing to report.

Action Items:

        A.   The December Dinner meeting and Christmas Party were discussed. We will have an Italian dinner for the dinner meeting. The Christmas party will be at Scott and Tania’s house at 6 PM.

The following volunteered the following dishes:

Dinner Meeting-Lisa-White lasagna; Shellie-Red lasagna; Serena/Terri-Bread; Tracy-Salad; Briana-Sugar cookie station; Betty-Cider; Larry-Desert;                                                                                                                                                               Christmas Party & White Elephant- Kathy-Appetizer; Terri-Pasta salad; Larry & Bonnie- Salads; Serena-Desert; Briana& Kayla- Bread

               B. The Appreciation Dinner was discussed. Serena will verify availability of locations and we will continue discussion next meeting.

Committee Reports:

A.     EMS Support: Reported that they are waiting to pick up ordered supplies. Burn kits were added.  

B.     Station Maintenance: Tania and Lisa will be coming in once a week to ensure things are stocked. Support Service fridge was moved into air room.

C.     Equipment Maintenance: Engine 31 needs the battery charge plug to be replaced. Other equipment is good.

D.     Web Technology: No report.

E.      Marketing: No report.

Open Forum and Topics for next meeting:  Multi-Agency party is on Dec. 3rd if you would like to attend.

Next meeting we will discuss Valentine’s roses and the Appreciation dinner 

Adjourn at 6:05 PM.